Płocka 5A, 01-231 Warszawa
We work: Mon. - Fri. from 09.00 to 18.00
Polish citizenship
Polish citizenship entitles citizens to political, civil and social protection in Poland. Holders of Polish citizenship have the right to freedom of movement and choice of residence in the country and the European Union. They can participate in elections and hold public office. Polish citizens can also enjoy social benefits and services provided by the state. Opportunities are open to obtain Polish citizenship through the naturalization procedure or through descent from Polish ancestors.

How can a foreigner get Polish citizenship?

1. To stay continuously on the territory of Poland for at least 1 year, after receiving the permanent residence status - Permanent Residence Permit (Karta Stałego Pobytu) on the basis of Polish origin;
2. to stay continuously on the territory of Poland for at least 3 years, after having received the status of permanent residence - Permanent Residence Permit (Karta Stałego Pobytu) in total for at least 10 years of continuous residence in Poland;
3. To be legally married to a citizen of Poland for at least 3 years, after uninterrupted stay in Poland for at least 2 years;
4. To stay continuously on the territory of Poland for at least 2 years, after receiving permanent residence status - Permanent Residence Permit (Karta Stałego Pobytu) on the basis of granting the refugee status in the Republic of Poland;
5. An underage foreigner, one of whose parents is a citizen of Poland, living in the territory of the Republic of Poland on the basis of a residence permit (Karta Pobytu) or permanent residence permit (Karta Stałego Pobytu), and the other parent, who does not have Polish citizenship, has agreed to such recognition;

An important condition for all persons wishing to obtain Polish citizenship is the confirmation of knowledge of the Polish language at the B1 level by means of obtaining a certificate from the National Commission of the Republic of Poland.
Sign up for a free consultation to ask all your questions and learn more about citizenship of the Republic of Poland:
We will call you back as soon as possible and answer all your questions
Płocka 5A, 01-231 Warszawa
We work: Mon. - Fri. from 09.00 to 18.00
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